General Terms and Conditions – Applications Laboratory Genome Diagnostics
Dept. Human Genetics, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC and locatie VUmc
- Order
1.1. To order to avoid errors and delays, applications should be submitted in a clear and unambiguous manner. By using the application form, all the desired information will be asked.
1.2 By accepting an application, the laboratory will carry out the requested test with care and expertise in accordance with the quality criteria applicable to the laboratory.
1.3 Applications may be refused if they are recieved with insufficient information to achieve a result that meets the applicable quality criteria. The laboratory will inform the applicant in this case as soon as possible.
1.4 The laboratory must have the opportunity to discuss the requested test with the applicant/practitioner.
1.5 Before submitting patients’ sample, make sure that the billing address is correct. When the test report is ready, an invoice will be sent to the billing address.
- Samples
2.1 The applicant shall send the sample, accompanied by proper identification (minimum name and date of birth) and a fully completed application form.
2.2 The type and amount of human tissue to be sampled is indicated for each type of test on the application form. (zie ook of
2.3 In case of collection outside normal working hours, store the material at room temperature or in the refrigerator (heparin blood) (not on ice) and send it the next working day, or contact a laboratory employee by telephone (contact)
- Shipping (see Shipping instructions)
- Test handling and execution
4.1 The laboratory sets and provides the method and equipment to carry out the diagnostics.
4.2 All diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the applicable norms, standards and rules. If requested, the laboratory will provide information about this.
- Results
5.1 Results as test reports, advice, information or any other form, are usually provided by the laboratory in written form. In (urgent) cases, the written report is preceded by telephone or e-mail contact.
5.2 The turn around times of the various tests in the laboratory are in accordance with national guidelines and can be requested from the laboratory. Turn around times are also specified on the website. In case of emergency, specific TATs can be agreed upon.
- Privacy
6.1 Privacy of data is guaranteed and recorded in the hospital regulations of the Amsterdam UMC (duty of privacy about patient data).
- Further use of patient material
7.1 The laboratory stores residual material for a fixed period that depends on the type of residual material and the question as determined by the professional group (VKGL). The patient or his representative can request in writing that the residual material be destroyed.
7.2 The laboratory uses residual material for further research in line with the original diagnostic question. If this results in findings relevant to the patient, the latter will be informed via the original applicant. Residual material is also used to develop new and/or improve existing techniques.
If this results in findings relevant to the patient, the latter will be informed via the original applicant.
The patient or his/her representative agrees to this, unless stated otherwise on the application form.
7.3 The laboratory can use part of the residual material for scientific research and/or educational purposes. Amsterdam UMC thereby follows the guidelines drawn up by Federa and laid down in the code Goed Gebruik (Federa, 2011), the Research Code Amsterdam UMC and, if applicable, the instructions of the local Medical Ethics Committee. The laboratory also adheres to the agreements made between doctors, researchers and patient associations. These agreements are in accordance with legislation and regulations.
- Communication
8.1 For information, comments or complaints, please contact the Laboratory Genomediagnostics.